Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Memo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memo - Research Paper Example Welcome! Inc. is a joint venture and operates under the new partnership laws of Mexico State. Therefore, any member among the partners is entitled to an equal treatment as long as the organization is still operational. The law supports joint decision making for the venture regardless of the conflicts among the partners. Therefore, you, Mr. Morgan, according to the laws governing partnership corporations, you are entitled to equal rights and position in the board of directors just like other partners in Welcome! Inc. In addition, the partnership laws advocate for equal distribution of dividends among the shareholders of the company. As much as the board of directors makes decisions through voting, reducing the salary of a partner by 50% is unlawful according to the constitution governing joint entities. Therefore, whatever steps other partners are taking against you are illegal and unethical as per the law. Any partner in Welcome! Inc. Mr. Morgan included, has a claim to the dividends of the organization, distributed equally. Furthermore, the agreed salary for all the partners, as long as the partnership exists must be equal for all the members; no partner is more superior than other partners and voting a partner out of the board of directors due to personal selfish interests is unlawful. Thus, as one of the partners at Welcome! Inc. you are entitled to full salary, equally shared dividends and profits that the firm makes as long as it is

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